Met.3D currently includes one actor that implements functionality to visualize trajectory data (i.e., Lagrangian particle trajectories / path lines, or stream lines).

Prerequisite for using trajectory actors

A trajectory data set needs to be loaded, providing trajectories/stream lines that are either precomputed or computed on-the-fly. See Visualizing 3D trajectory data.

In short:

  • From the main "File" menu, select "New dataset"
  • Select the "Trajectories" tab
  • Precomputed trajectories:
    • Select the "Precomputed" tab and enter the directory path in which the trajectory files are stored. Data need to be stored in NetCDF files as described in Trajectory data in NetCDF format and can be distributed over multiple files.
  • Computation in Met.3D:
    • Select the "Computation in Met.3D" tab.
    • A gridded dataset providing u,v,w components of the wind field needs to be loaded before the trajectory computation is configured.
    • Select the gridded dataset on which the computation shall be based, then select the corresponding wind components.
    • To trace additional variables from the gridded dataset along the trajectories (to later colour the trajectories accordingly), enter the names of those variables in the field "Trace auxiliary variables.."

Also see:

  • No labels