As the name says, the base map actor draws a base map into a scene.
- Map data can be read from an arbitrary geo-referenced GeoTIFF file (in the above image data from Natural Earth is used; other GeoTIFF datasets can be used as well).
- The bounding box can be customised, i.e. the map file can be larger than the displayed region.
- Colour saturation of the loaded base map image can be adjusted (for example, to desaturate the image colours).
How to...
...load a map?
- Open Base map → actor properties
- Under the tab load map click on execute. A file browser opens and you can choose an arbitrary GeoTIFF file from your file system.
... adjust projection?
- Open Base map → actor properties → map projection support
- You can choose between three different projection types: cylindrical, rotated lat.-lon. and projection
- Choose the projection according to your needs. For rotated lat.-lon. projection you may need to adjust the rotated north pole option the coordinates of the rotated North Pole.