This page guides you through first steps with Met.3D after you have installed the software. Please also refer to the slides at Slides: Introductory Met.3D tutorial.

Note: The screenshots on this page may be taken with different versions of Met.3D. You may observe small changes in the user interface in the current version you are using.

Starting Met.3D

For the first steps with Met.3D, simply start the software by calling

$ ./met3D

You will see some debug and info output on the console. Fig. 1 shows the Met.3D window that appears on first start-up. It contains an empty visualization area.

Fig. 1 The (empty) Met.3D main window that appears when first starting the software.
Fig. 1: The (empty) Met.3D main window that appears when first starting the software.

Adding actors to a scene

Next, add first visualization objects to the empty visualization area. In Met.3D, visualization objects are called actors. Actors represent, for example, a graticule, a base map, a 2D horizontal or vertical cross-section, or 3D isosurfaces. Currently available actors are listed in Visualization objects ("Actors"). Actors are grouped into scenes, which are simply a collection of actors. A single actor can be assigned to one or to multiple scenes. A scene can be visualized by one or by multiple scene views, which are the visualization areas in the Met.3D window. In Fig. 1, one scene view (“view 1”) is visible. It displays “Scene 1”, which currently does not contain any actors. To add actors to this scene, follow these steps:

Working with scenes and scene views

Met.3D provides standard mouse interaction techniques to change the observer’s point of view within a scene view. Hold the left mouse button and drag to rotate the scene, the right button to pan, and use the scroll wheel to zoom.

Many default settings of the user interface can be changed by using customized configuration files for the Met.3D "frontend". For example, a frontend configuration file can be passed on the command line:

$ ./met3D --frontend=~/met3d/config/frontend.cfg

An an example, the default mouse interaction for navigation can be changed in the [SceneNavigation] section of a custom frontend.cfg. Simply copy the default_frontend.cfg file from the met.3d-base/met.3d/config/ subdirectory to the location of your choice, edit, and pass the file on the command line as done above.

See the default file provided with Met.3D for further examples:

The number and layout of displayed scene views can be changed by selecting one of the presets in the “View” menu (the preset configurations in the menu are also available through the keyboard short-cuts Alt+0..6). The default maximum number of scene views is four. For example, Fig. 6 shows the layout “one large view and three small views” (Alt+5).

A figure should appear here
Fig. 6 Met.3D window layout with one large and three small scene views. Views 1, 2 and 3 all show “Scene 1”, but from different viewpoints.

Similar to actor configurations, viewpoints (camera positions) can be saved to file and restored at a later time. To save a given viewpoint, select the “System” tab on the left of the Met.3D window. Similar to actor properties, properties affecting the scene views are arranged in a property tree. Open the property for the scene view for which you would like to save the camera, and choose the “modify camera/save” property.

Multiple scene views can show the same scene. In the example in Fig. 6, views 1, 2 and 3 all show “Scene 1”, but from different viewpoints. To achieve this, open the scene management dialog and specify the scenes that the views display in the lower left area of the dialog (cf. Fig. 2). Also, in view 3 the vertical scaling of the scene is different to views 1 and 2. The vertical scaling can also be changed in the “System” tab on the left side of the Met.3D window. As an example, modify the “rendering/vertical scaling” parameter for view 1 and observe the difference. With “interaction/sync camera with view”, it is possible to synchronize the camera viewpoints of two scenes. This is useful if two different scenes are to be examined from the same viewpoint.

Actors can be assigned to multiple scenes by selecting the corresponding scenes in the scene management dialog (Fig. 3). This way, actors such as graticule, base map or volume bounding box can be shared among different scenes (representing “static” content) and combined with different forecast actors (“dynamic” content) in the individual scenes.

For actors that allow interaction with the user, the scene views provide an “interaction mode”. The interaction mode can be enabled by pressing “i” while a scene view is selected, by double-clicking in the view, or by checking the corresponding property in the scene view’s property tree. While the interaction mode is enabled for a scene view, the text “Interaction mode” appears at the bottom of the view and the camera is frozen.

As an example, the “movable poles” actor supports user interaction. It allows the user to move a pole within the scene by dragging a handle attached to a pole. The following steps add the actor to the current configuration:

Adding actors that visualize gridded simulation data to the scene

Next, we add a horizontal cross-section that displays some gridded simulation data (e.g., of a numerical weather prediction). The goal is to create a forecast product that shows colour-coded wind speed, overlain with contour lines of geopotential height and wind barbs.

Configuring a data pipeline (adding a dataset)

Met.3D uses the notion of a data pipeline to access gridded data, e.g. those from a numerical weather prediction model. A data pipeline realizes access to a dataset that can contain multiple simulation variables, time steps, ensemble members, etc., in a single or in multiple files in NetCDF or GRIB format. Supported file types and grid types are described in more detail in Data handling.

Data pipelines can be created at runtime or in a configuration file and loaded on start-up of the software. Here we use the simple option to load a dataset at runtime: Select "Add new dataset" from the "File" menu, and fill in the necessary fields in the dialog that appears.

TODO: Add screenshot and description of GUI interface.

Adding a horizontal section

We assume the dataset being registered with the data source identification ECMWF ENS EUR_LL10.

The forecast product has been completed. Switch to actor interaction mode (double click in the scene view) to drag the section up and down, or modify the “actor properties/slice position” property, and use the time and ensemble navigation buttons in the top left of the Met.3D window to change time and/or ensemble member. Of course, the horizontal section configuration can be saved to a configuration file, a saved horizontal section actor configuration can be loaded at runtime in the scene management dialog. Alternatively, it can be listed in the frontend.cfg file to be loaded during start-up.

You can also have multiple instances of an actor in a scene. Fig. 15 shows an example of two horizontal sections stacked on top of each other (the lower one at 925 hPa and the upper one at 200 hPa). The pole is placed in the centre of the low pressure system at 925 hPa, its intersection with the upper section showing the relation of the position of low-level centre to the jet stream.

A figure should appear here
Fig. 15
Two identical horizontal sections stacked on top of each other. The vertical pole illustrates the relation between low pressure centre at 925 hPa and the jet stream at 200 hPa.