The data if available on spectral grid or gaussian grid, needs to be remapped onto a regular lat lon grid, so that it can be analysed using Met.3D. The following code snippet provides a minimal example to perform the remapping.


# Minimal examples of basic CDO commands for remapping ERA5 data onto a regular grid 
# Link to the Met.3D documentation
# Link to the cdo documentation 
# Link to a cdo reference sheet

# define path to the folder storing the ERA5 data as provided by the ECMWF
# (GRIB data with spatial coordinate systems "Gaussian Grid" or "Spherical Harmonics")

# define path to the folder for storing the remapped ERA5 data-files

# define path to a file characterizing the grid to which the ERA5 data will be remapped

# See below for an examplar gridFile for remapping with CDO to a regular lat-lon grid : 
# --> "cdo_gridFile_regular_LatLon_minimalExample.txt"

# define input and output data files	

# bilinear remapping from reduced Gaussian grid to regular Lat-Lon grid 
# and conversion from GRIB to NETCDF
cdo -f nc4 -remapbil,${TARGETGRIDFILE} -setgridtype,regular ${OUTFILE} ${INFILE}

# bilinear remapping from spectral grid to Gaussian grid to regular Lat-Lon grid
cdo -f nc4 -remapbil,${TARGETGRIDFILE} -sp2gpl ${INFILE} ${OUTFILE}		

The contents of the 'cdo_gridFile_regular_LatLon_minimalExample.txt' in this example are as below:

gridtype = lonlat
gridsize = 90381
xsize = 641
ysize = 141
xfirst = -80
xinc = 0.25
yfirst = 85
yinc = -0.25
  • No labels