Recommended way for compiling Met.3D: conda environment
This page provides old installation guidelines to compile Met.3D from source on openSuSE and Ubuntu Linux systems using a development environment installed from the system repositories. We have switched entirely to using conda environments for developing and building Met.3D, and we recommend using conda instead. This page is kept for reference.
The current versions of Met.3D 1.7 and higher require libproj version 8 or higher, which may need to be installed manually. We recommend using conda.
The following installation guidelines have been tested with the older Met.3D 1.6 under openSUSE 15.0/15.1 and Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 LTS. Still, try using conda if possible.
I know what I am doing!
I know what I am doing!
If you are experienced with compiling software under Linux, have a look at the listing at the bottom of this page - it lists all commands necessary to compile Met.3D on a clean Ubuntu system. Other systems will be similar.
This page provides installation guidelines for installing Met.3D on openSUSE and Ubuntu Linux systems using the cmake build system. Met.3D requires a number of libraries to be installed and a few external data packages to be downloaded. Most of these packages can be installed via the respective system package managers (YaST or aptitude), however, a few have to be downloaded and compiled manually.
If you have Docker available on your system, you can test the Met.3D compilation using a Docker image. An example using an Ubuntu image is provided at the end of this page.
System requirements: You will need an OpenGL 4.3 capable graphics card and an appropriate Linux driver to run Met.3D. The driver will most likely be a proprietary driver (Nvidia or AMD); open-source drivers for Linux currently do not provide the required capabilities. Before you continue with the installation, make sure that graphics card and driver are installed. If everything is installed correctly, the glxinfo
command should output something similar to (the important thing is the OpenGL core profile
version > 4.3):
# glxinfo | grep OpenGL OpenGL vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL renderer string: GeForce GTX TITAN/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL core profile version string: 4.4.0 NVIDIA 340.96 OpenGL core profile shading language version string: 4.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
Install available dependencies via your package manager
For openSUSE 15.0, the following additional repository is required to obtain the ECMWF eccodes library (similar for other openSUSE versions):
The repository can be added in the “Software Repositories” windows in YaST. Afterwards, the following packages can be installed in the “Software Management” window (or on the command line).
- libqt5-qtbase-devel (or, for Met.3D versions < 1.3: libqt4 and libqt4-devel) - and further packages for Qt5 development
- liblog4cplus-### and log4cplus-devel
- gdal, libgdal20 and gdal-devel
- netcdf, netcdf-devel, libnetcdf_c++4-devel, libnetcdf_c++4-1
- hdf5, libhdf5 and hdf5-devel
- glew and glew-devel
- libfreetype6 and freetype2-devel
- eccodes and eccodes-devel (or, for Met.3D versions < 1.3: grib_api and grib_api-devel)
- libGLU1
- gsl and gsl-devel
- libproj##
- software development basics (gcc, gcc-fortran, git, wget, zip)
For Ubuntu 18.04/20.04, the following packages need to be installed via aptitude:
- qt5-default
- liblog4cplus-dev
- libgdal-dev
- libnetcdf-dev
- libnetcdf-c++4-dev
- libeccodes-dev
- libfreetype6-dev
- libgsl-dev
- libglew-dev
- libproj-dev
- software development basics (packages build-essential, gfortran, git, wget, zip)
Install remaining required libraries from their sources
The dependencies glfx
and qcustomplot
are for both systems not available (at least not in the requried versions). They need to be complied manually.
Install both libraries to places where cmake for Met.3D can find them (/your/target/dir
in the commands listed below). If you are unsure, use a subdirectory of the met-3d-base
directory introduced in the next section, e.g. ~\met.3d-base\local
Get the glfx sources from or
cd glfx cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/your/target/dir CMakeLists.txt make -j 12 make install
To make it easier for cmake for Met.3D to automatically find the libraries, choose one directory from cmake/common_settings.cmake
as /your/target/dir.
qcustomplot is required in a version >= 2.0. Get the qcustomplot sources from
You will need the archives QCustomPlot.tar.gz
and QCustomPlot-sharedlib.tar.gz
for version >= 2.0.
Extract the QCustomPlot.tar.gz
archive (the /qcustomplot
directory) and put the contents of QCustomPlot-sharedlib.tar.gz
inside the /qcustomplot
directory. Go to
and run:
qmake # (on openSUSE, this may be qmake-qt5) make
Next, copy the resulting libraries and the qcustomplot.h header to directories where cmake for Met.3D can find them automatically (look at cmake/common_settings.cmake
). These files are required:
./include: qcustomplot.h ./lib or ./lib64: ->* ->* ->** ->* ->* ->**
Alternatively, the sources are available from the git repository at If you fetch the code from the repository, you’ll also need to run
. See the Docker Ubuntu example at the end of this page.
Download source and data packages
We recommend to place the following packages along with the Met.3D sources into a specific directory structure.
Create a base directory met.3d-base
and a subdirectory third-party
met.3d-base/ third-party/
Change into third-party
to execute the following commands.
1) qtpropertybrowser
Met.3D requires the qtpropertybrowser framework from the “qt-solutions” repository. The qtpropertybrowser sources are directly compiled into the Met.3D executable and hence do not have to be build beforehand. They can be downloaded with git:
# [in met.3d-base/third-party] git clone
2) Fonts
Met.3D requires a TrueType font file. We recommend the “FreeSans” font from the GNU FreeFont package. It can be downloaded from At the time of writing, the most recent version is 20120503:
# [in met.3d-base/third-party] wget unzip
3) Vector and raster map, coastline and country borderline data
Met.3D requires a base map image in GeoTIFF format, as well as coastline and country borderline vector data in shapefile format. we recommend to use the free data from The medium resolution files (50m) work fine (they require roughly 300 MB of disk space).
For coastline data, we use the “Coastline” dataset (
# [in met.3d-base/third-party] mkdir naturalearth cd naturalearth wget unzip
For country boundaries, we use the “Admin 0 – Boundary Lines” dataset (
# [in met.3d-base/third-party/naturalearth] wget unzip
For the raster basemap, we use the “Cross Blended Hypso with Shaded Relief and Water” dataset (
# [in met.3d-base/third-party/naturalearth] wget unzip
You should now have the following directory structure (...
denotes other files):
met.3d-base/ third-party/ qt-solutions/ qtpropertybrowser/ * ... freefont-20120503/ FreeSans.ttf ... naturalearth/ HYP_50M_SR_W/ HYP_50M_SR_W.tif ... ne_50m_coastline.shp ne_50m_admin_0_boundary_lines_land.shp ...
Checkout Met.3D from the GIT repository
The latest version of Met.3D can be checked out from
Place the repository into the met.3d-base
base directory:
# [in met.3d-base] git clone
This will checkout the latest development version. Alternatively, checkout the latest “stable” version by selecting the latest tag:
# [in met.3d-base] cd met.3d git tag -l git checkout tags/<latest tag>
For example, if git tag -l
returns a list in which 1.3.0 is the latest tag, checkout this version by entering git checkout tags/1.3.0
Configure cmake for Met.3D
We provide cmake scripts for Makefile creation and compilation of Met.3D. You can either build Met.3D from the command line as described below, or use a cmake GUI (e.g., cmake-curses-gui
, cmake-gui
) to configure cmake. Alternatively, start the build process within C++ IDEs like QtCreator, CLion, or Visual Studio Code (these typically provide functionality to open CMakeLists.txt
and to run the build process).
From the command line:
First, in met.3d-base/
, create a subdirectory build
into which the executable can be built and change into this directory:
# [in met.3d-base] mkdir build cd build
Create a Makefile
# [in met.3d-base/build] cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../met.3d
Met.3D can also be built in debug mode; change -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE
to achieve this.
If some libraries are not located within the default header/library folders (given in common_settings.cmake), it is likely that you have to manually set the include directory and used libraries for a certain package. For example, if cmake could not find the include directory of GDAL, it will output something like missing GDAL_INCLUDE_DIR
. In that case, add -DGDAL_INCLUDE_DIR=/real/path/to/gdal/includes
to the command and run cmake again. Or use the GUI to set the missing directories and libraries and restart the configuring and generation process.
Compile Met.3D
After cmake has created the Makefile
, run make (the “-j 12” option for make starts 12 parallel compilation threads, modify this number to match the number of CPU cores in your system).
# [in met.3d-base/build] make -j 12
Compilation may take a few minutes. If no errors are reported, an executable named Met3D
should be created in the build directory.
Start Met.3D
Before Met.3D can be started, two environment variables MET3D_HOME
need to be set. MET3D_HOME
points to the Met.3D source directory (at least the subdirectories /src/glsl
and /config
need to be available as these contain code loaded at runtime):
export MET3D_HOME=/your/path/to/met.3d-base/met.3d
The additional environment variable MET3D_BASE
is used in the default configuration files to refer to the paths with third-party data (see /config/default_frontend.cfg.template
; feel free to change this if you like):
export MET3D_BASE=/your/path/to/met.3d-base
To start Met.3D, simply type:
# [e.g. in met.3d-base/build] ./Met3D
Test compilation in a Docker container
In case you have Docker available on your system, you can test the compilation of Met.3D in a container. The following commands start an Ubuntu 18.04 container, install all dependencies and compile Met.3D. You won’t be able to start Met.3D from the container, but the commands may be useful for tests or to install on your actual system.
To download and start the container:
docker info # make sure Docker is running docker pull ubuntu:latest # download Ubuntu image docker run -t -i ubuntu bash # start container
Within the container, to set up the system and compile Met.3D:
# update repositories and upgrade current system apt update apt upgrade # install gcc compiler suite, see apt install build-essential # install required development tools apt install cmake git wget zip gfortran # section A), install the required dependencies (to list dependencies of a package use "apt depends <name>") # "-dev" packages also install the corresponding libraries apt install qt5-default liblog4cplus-dev libgdal-dev libnetcdf-dev libnetcdf-c++4-dev libeccodes-dev libfreetype6-dev libgsl-dev libglew-dev libproj-dev # section B), create "met.3d-base" directory and install the two remaining libraries "glfx" and "qcustomplot" cd ~ mkdir met.3d-base && cd met.3d-base mkdir local mkdir third-party && cd third-party git clone cd glfx cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=~/met.3d-base/local CMakeLists.txt make -j 12 make install cd ~/met.3d-base/third-party git clone cd QCustomPlot ./ cp qcustomplot.h ~/met.3d-base/local/include/ cd sharedlib/sharedlib-compilation/ qmake make -j 12 cp libqcustomplot* ~/met.3d-base/local/lib/ # section C), download remaining third-party dependencies cd ~/met.3d-base/third-party git clone wget unzip mkdir naturalearth cd naturalearth wget unzip wget unzip wget unzip # sections D)-F), checkout and compile Met.3D cd ~/met.3d-base/ git clone mkdir build && cd build cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../met.3d make -j 12 # now a binary "Met3D" should have been created