Getting started

The material needed for the course is distributed via a subversion repository. Subversion is a version control system and can be used via the command line client git.

These steps have to be done only once.

cd ~
git clone --depth=1 -b wise2019

Setting up the environment (do this once in every new terminal)

Every time you open a new terminal, you need to source the course environment. If you know that your default shell (echo $SHELL) is bash and not tcsh, you can skip the first command:

bash --login
source ~/arts-lectures/bin/arts-init.bash

The following command shows the location of the ARTS API if it is successfully loaded:

python -c "import typhon; \
	typhon.set_loglevel('INFO'); \
	import typhon.arts.workspace"

Updating the lecture package

Use the git pull command to ensure that you have the latest version of the lecture files:

cd ~/arts-lectures
git pull

Getting the lecture notes

Change to the directory script/ and run make:

cd ~/arts-lectures/script

This will generate two PDF files, one optimised for viewing on the screen, one optimised for printing.

Running the exercises

Don't forget to run the source command from the 'Setting up the environment' section above. You need to do this everytime you open a new terminal.

Change to the directory of the first exercise and run the Python script:

cd ~/arts-lectures/exercises/01-rotational_spectra

This opens an interactive window showing the simulated absorption cross sections.

The script will also save the plot as PDF file in the plots/ subdirectory. You can use a PDF viewer (e.g. evince) to display the plot:

evince plots/plot_xsec_N2O_80000Pa_300K.pdf

Web location

This document can be found at